Tuesday, November 13, 2007

TGI Announces New ERP Software Solution for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Technology Group International (TGI), a leading ERP software solution provider for small to mid-market manufacturers and distributors, today announced a new industry based ERP software solution for pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors.

Focused on regulatory support and compliance, the new pharmaceutical based solution offers a wide range of functional features specific to the life sciences industry. This new industry solution provides pharmaceutical manufacturers with increased lot control, identification, and tracking capabilities. The enhancements for pharmaceutical based lot tracking goes beyond manufacturing and extends well into order management, inventory control, and shipping to deliver increased product safety and facilitate quick response should a recall campaign occur.

Specific lot control enhancements include: optional lot designation at time of work order creation; finished good lot control which tracks lot numbers based on a variety of criteria such as machine, manufacture date, sequence, prefix, or class; the ability to preserve lot integrity when repackaging or renumbering; pharmaceutical based shelf life tracking; optional lot directed and expiration date allocation.

With the newly added functionality, Enterprise 21 now offers a complete end to end ERP software solution for pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors.

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